Accountants are needed to keep businesses afloat
As the economy continues to recover, an increased emphasis will fall on the
accountability, transparency and responsible financial management of
businesses large and small - putting accountants and auditors more in
demand than ever before.
Disaster-proof your money with direct deposit
Disasters can happen suddenly and without warning. The U.S. Department of
the Treasury and the American Red Cross encourage you to make certain your
money is disaster-ready with direct deposit.
Five bank fees you should stop paying
If you're tired of getting nickeled and dimed by your bank,
it's time to switch. Irritation with unnecessary fees is the No. 1
reason consumers switch banks, according to a recent survey by Javelin
Strategy and Research.
Small businesses get credit boost from new fund
Despite signs of economic recovery, many small business owners continue to
struggle to borrow money to sustain or grow their companies. This can have
a big impact on local communities, which rely on small businesses to create
much-needed jobs and provide critical services.
Ten steps to turn your hobby into a small business
Given the state of the U.S. economy, you might assume that turning your
hobby into a small business right now isn't the best idea. On the contrary,
launching your own small business in a down economy can be a very smart
move -- if you plan in advance and set yourself up for success from the start.